Legal Advice On Liability Insurance For Professionals, Directors And Officers
This web page may be for you if you are a professional, director or officer facing a damage claim from a client. Or you may be an employer of a professional, director or officer enmeshed in a controversy with your liability insurance provider. Whether the professional is self-insured or insured by a larger organization such as an architectural firm, disputes over liability insurance often come about when:
- A client claims injury or monetary loss caused by alleged negligence, omissions or malpractice by the professional
- A professional’s or director’s liability insurance carrier denies coverage or diminishes the estimated value of covered losses
- The liability insurer alleges the exclusion of a particular loss because of language in the insurance policy
Claimants, insured professionals and insurers often disagree over particulars such as:
- Whether a loss actually occurred
- If a loss occurred, what its dollar value should be
- Who or what entity was responsible
- How policy exclusions are defined
The Lesser Law Group in San Rafael and San Francisco is a valuable source of clarity and advocacy in the area of liability insurance. California clients include individual consumers, insured companies and claims adjusters for insurers. Lawyers of the firm are well-recognized for their in-depth knowledge of all types of business and commercial insurance and related matters such as professional liability insurance.
Directors, Officers And Professionals — Employers — Insurers — Contact The Firm
Schedule a consultation with a lawyer knowledgeable in all varieties of business and commercial insurance. Reach the Lesser Law Group by phone at 415-460-7754 or by email through our intake form.