Allegations of professional misconduct can be detrimental to individuals who work in a profession requiring a license. In this situation, the person must react properly to avoid making the situation worse and to move toward a favorable resolution. Anyone facing an...
A guide to good faith in insurance
Insurance offers protection against all sorts of events. It requires contracts to ensure the insurer and the insured have certain rights and obligations. The term "good faith" often accompanies conversations about insurance coverage. Understanding this concept is key...
Why renters need insurance
Renting a home comes with its own set of responsibilities and risks. While many renters might think that insurance is only necessary for homeowners who have an entire building to protect, rental coverage can be just as important. Insuring your rental provides a wide...
Can the insurance company rescind my policy?
When you purchase an insurance policy, you expect security and peace of mind. However, there are instances where the insurance company may decide to rescind your policy. Policy rescission is a formal revocation or cancellation of your insurance coverage. Understanding...
How can insurance help an IT company that lost data in a fire?
In the fast-paced world of technology, data is the lifeblood of an IT company. Losing valuable data due to unforeseen disasters, such as a fire, can be catastrophic. Having comprehensive insurance in place can be the lifeline that helps the company resume operations...
Why home insurance prices are rising in California
Recently four of California's largest insurers curtailed new home insurance applications, sending shockwaves through the state. As of late 2022, some companies ceased accepting applications, while while others reduced policy-writing efforts or are working to implement...
How can your business insurance help you in case of fire damage?
No entrepreneur wants to think about the possibility of their business literally going up in flames. However, the possibility of wildfires and simple accidents forces you into a position in which you must think about how to protect your business interest in case of a...
How can you train your employees to recognize phishing scams?
In business, you have an obligation to protect employee, client and company data. If personal information becomes compromised, the individuals affected could hold you liable. One of the most common ways for cybercriminals to access personal data is through the use of...
Can businesses prevent unethical conduct?
Owning a company means you rely on your employees to act with dignity. Their conduct can reflect on your organization's brand, image and competitiveness. The uncertainty of knowing how your employees will act may create stress. Knowing some strategies for preventing...
What role does a mediator play?
When going through a divorce, even an uncontested one, it is highly possible for arguments and disagreements to break out. This is why it is important to have guiding forces lending a helping hand. Mediators often fill that role for divorcing couples. But what...