Purchasing insurance for your business is probably one of the biggest expenses you deal with. In addition to workers' compensation insurance, you may carry property insurance, liability, vehicle insurance and others. This takes a considerable chunk out of your...
Has your business insurer unfairly cancelled your policy?
As a business owner, you may be well aware of the risks involved in your industry. Not only may you face damage to your business, such as may occur in a California fire or other natural disaster, but you may also deal with liability issues if someone suffers injuries...
Has your insurer rejected your EPL claim?
Whether you own a large company or a family-run business, if you have employees, you may spend much of your time trying to keep them happy. Because you have seen the recent events involving accusations of misconduct that have ruined the careers of numerous successful...
Holding Your Insurer To Its Promises When Making a Claim
As a California business owner, you undoubtedly know the importance of having various types of insurance for your company. You likely have general liability insurance, property insurance and maybe even business income insurance. Many companies need errors and...
Does your business have a disaster plan?
You have poured your time, efforts and money into your business, and its success rests squarely on your shoulders. While you may have control of the day-to-day operations, you cannot control every factor that can affect your business. For that reason, it is wise to...
Lawsuit draws attention to problems with cyberinsurance
Dark clouds hover over the booming cyberinsurance industry. Cyber policies currently value an estimated $5.2 billion and should reach $7.5 billion by the end of the decade. However, a recent lawsuit shows that these policies might not protect insurance holders as well...
Frequent Bay Area flooding puts business owners in a bind
From San Rafael’s flash floods in late February to an “atmospheric river” flooding the North Bay, Northern California has seen our share of rough waters in the last few months. And according to the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety, more than a quarter...
State workplace fatality numbers stay the same
There were 376 fatal workplace injuries in both 2017 and 2016, according to recently released data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The number of workplace deaths is comparable to the three previous years: 388 in 2015 344 in 2014 396 in 2013 Nationally, the...
Fire-floods threaten businesses in California
California business owners are familiar with the devastating effects of wildfires. In 2018 alone, wildfires have destroyed over 1.2 million acres in the state and demolished around 8,500 buildings. Hundreds of people have lost their businesses and livelihoods due to...
California wildfires consume an estimated 1 million acres
Across the nation, people are keeping up with news about the infamous California wildfires. The losses caused by these natural disasters are nothing short of devastating. Wildfire insurance claims reach nearly $12 billion statewide, and continue to grow like the...