By applying for insurance coverage, you may have authorized your carrier to access databases and review your past claims. As noted by Wallet Hub, policyholders’ claims could stay on their reports for years.
The information contained in the databases that insurance companies access could influence your rates. Carriers generally share the dates of claims, causes and payouts. An insurance company may have also shared information about the issues surrounding your inquiries even if they did not result in any claims.
Carriers may request to see phone and social media records
As noted by the American Bar Association, some property insurance companies request information about an insured’s cell phone or social media accounts. When policyholders file claims related to fires or thefts, carriers may conduct forensic investigations to verify the cause and nature of the damage or loss.
Smartphones generally provide information about their users’ locations during any given time frame. Mobile devices log histories of calls, texts and voicemail messages. They may also log where and when users took photos or what websites they visited. Forensic investigators could use software to retrieve deleted mobile device information and download a significant amount of call and text message data. An insurance investigation may compare the contents of a mobile device to the events surrounding a claim.
Policyholders may not need to turn their records over to insurance companies
Your insurance contract may specify whether policyholders must turn over electronic records. Because cell phones contain private and personal information, you may not need to hand in your device when your carrier demands it.
The information that investigators seek generally must have a material relationship to the circumstances surrounding your claim. Intrusive immaterial demands may present a breach of your contract.