Whether you run a large company or a small firm, it is important to review the different threats to your business’ sucess and future. Litigation is an especially concerning issue for many companies and if your firm ends up in court, you need to look for ways to protect your interests and the reputation of your company.
Sometimes, businesses end up in court over allegations of discrimination. From mistreatment on the basis of a worker’s sex or race to discrimination complaints arising over the age of a job applicant, these cases surface for various reasons. Moreover, some employers are falsely accused of discrimination.
How many discrimination charges surface each year?
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reports that during fiscal year 2020, the agency saw 67,448 charge filings related to employment discrimination. Moreover, it is important to note that this figure does not include charges filed with Fair Employment Practices Agencies at the local or state level.
The EEOC saw fewer individual charge filings in fiscal year 2020 compared to 2019 (more than 72,600) and 2018 (over 76,400). However, discrimination cases remain a serious concern for employers across the U.S. and the consequences of these cases are often devastating.
What are the most common types of discrimination charges?
The EEOC reports that in fiscal year 2020, allegations of racial discrimination were present in 32.7% of the charge filings, while 31.7% involved a worker’s sex. National origin played a role in 9.5% of the charge filings and 36.1% of charge filings involved complaints of disability discrimination. Sometimes, employees allege that an employer discriminated against them for multiple reasons.